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Earth Plays the Blues

The earth as a song. RGB values are mapped to chords, and brightness effects the note's length and duration, to create a haunting and emotive soundscape.

I've been doing quite a lot of experiements in manipulating maps. After quite a bit of trial and error I finally settled for the following process (and yes, 'settled' being the operative word):

I wait for all the map tiles to be loaded in (trick here is to use 'tilesloaded' map event), then take a snapshop of the div using the html2canvas library. It's a bit slow as the images need to be saved to the server, but it works. I then pass that snapshot as an image into the canvas, analyize the pixels and then am able to manipulate them as I like. Still a bit buggy when titles don't load properly. So be it.

Music is generated using the amazing Tone.js.

Handmade by: Radarboy